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Aaliyah Walker
Work Study Student
Aamna Syed
AmeriCorps Grant - Peer Academic Leader (Part Time)
Aanisah Daflaar
International Student Worker
Aaron Ball
Adjunct - Salary
Aaron Dehring
Student Assistant I
Aaron Frye
Analyst, ERP Programmer
Aaron Manzarbeitia
Lab Assistant Part Time
Aaron McGibbon
Procurement Agent
Aaron Rodriguez
The Broward College directory contains public information on current faculty and staff. Every effort has been made to make the contents of this Directory as up-to-date as possible. However, we cannot guarantee or assume responsibility for complete accuracy of all the information found in the directory, complete absence of errors or omissions, or presence of any unintentional directory entries. Faculty/staff, please log in to Workday to update your record. For further assistance, please submit a HelpDesk ticket.