Title: WRITING 5

Credit Hrs: 3.00


EAP1540C is an advanced composition course designed for students enrolled in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programs. This course is designed to guide students through the writing process of paragrpahs and essays in various rhetorical modes. This course also emphasizes grammar structures for composition. Placement in EAP1540C is determined by successful completion (a grade of C or higher) of EAP0485C, EAP0400C, EAP0420C, or placement tests and/or department recommendation. Students must earn a C or higher to pass the course.

Prerequisite(s) : EAP0400C and EAP0420C and EAP0485C

Lec Hrs Lab Hrs Oth Hrs Fees
48.00 13.00 0.00